Fate of Alstom placed in Monti’s hands

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Series Title
Series Details 18.9.03, p1
Publication Date 18/09/2003
Content Type

The European Commission opened a detailed investigation on 17 September 2003 into an aid package which the French Government has put together in support of the Alstom group. At the same time, it found that the conditions are met for adopting an order suspending implementation of and/or payment for the acquisition by the French State of a stake in Alstom and the provision of a subordinated loan. The Commission wishes to continue its dialogue with France and will give it one last chance before issuing the order. It has authorised the European Commissioner for Competition, Mario Monti, in agreement with the Commission's President, to adopt and implement the suspension order by 22 September unless the French authorities undertake publicly not to take any steps involving, automatically and irreversibly, the acquisition by the French State of a stake in the Alstom group without the Commission's prior approval under the state aid rules.

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