Anticipating Europe’s scientific and technological needs, February 2003

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Series Details 28.2.03
Publication Date 28/02/2003
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On 27 February 2003 the European Commission published the first call for proposals for research on 'new and emerging science and technology' (NEST). Part of the 6th EU Research Framework Programme (FP6), spanning 2003-2006, NEST supports three complementary types of activities:

  • ADVENTURE projects will address 'very challenging objectives in a novel and adventurous way to develop new scientific understanding and technological capabilities'. The emphasis will be on unconventional and innovative approaches and on utilising the skills of researchers with different areas of expertise. Projects funded under ADVENTURE may be undertaken in any area of research, but are likely to be multidisciplinary. According to the Commission, ADVENTURE projects will feature 'ambitious and tangible objectives, with a potential for high impact, but also imply a high risk of failure.'
  • INSIGHT projects will be 'designed to investigate and evaluate new discoveries or phenomena which may bring new risks and potential problems for European society. Their aim will be to generate and consolidate scientific understanding, as well as to assist in formulating responses to address such problems.' Examples of the sorts of issues which might be addressed under INSIGHT are 'a new pathogen or environmental contaminant, a potential failure in financial and other markets, [and] new forms of crime'. Innovative and unconventional approaches are also expected to be a feature of INSIGHT projects.
  • PATHFINDER projects will be 'large-scale targeted initiatives, where NEST will support substantial actions involving several complementary projects within newly emerging fields of science and technology, focused on particularly challenging objectives.' It is intended that PATHFINDER funding will enable European scientists to undertake pioneering work and establish expertise in new fields. The focus of PATHFINDER will be on 'clearly identified areas with substantial longer-term promise for Europe.'

The funding available under NEST is deliberately intended to be flexible and responsive. This first call for proposals - which covers ADVENTURE and INSIGHT - has a budget of €28 million. NEST has a total budget of some €215 million. About €75 million is to be allocated to ADVENTURE and INSIGHT projects, with the remaining €140 million or so being used to fund PATHFINDER initiatives. It is envisaged that annual funding will increase from 2004 as the number of NEST activities increases.

Because NEST is intended to fund leading-edge research, the European Commission has not identified specific areas to be addressed. Instead, the onus is on researchers to propose projects and to demonstrate that the issues to be tackled 'represent a very significant challenge, that the potential impact of the work is extremely high, and that the approach is truly innovative.'

The European Commissioner responsible for research, Philippe Busquin, said 'Although EU research focuses on a limited number of major scientific priorities, we recognise the need to go beyond mainstream science and explore borderline concepts and ideas.' Commissioner Busquin went on: 'Research is about discovery, intellectual curiosity and innovation. That is why we ask researchers to suggest new, promising fields of knowledge that deserve further attention. Yesterday's science fiction is today's science. We have to look into our future and prepare to face challenges and respond to possible dangers.'


European Commission:
27.02.03: Commission supports visionary research [IP/03/289]
New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST)
Opening the frontiers of tomorrow's research
Three complementary action lines
European Sources Online: Topic Guides
The Research and Development Policy of the European Union
European Sources Online: In Focus
Research: Council agrees on specific programmes for the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006), October 2002

Eric Davies
Compiled: Friday, 28 February 2003

As part of the Sixth Framework Research Programme, the European Commission published on 27 February 2003 the first call for proposals for research on 'new and emerging science and technology' (NEST).

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