3 June Social Affairs Council

Series Title
Series Details 06/06/96, Volume 2, Number 23
Publication Date 06/06/1996
Content Type

Date: 06/06/1996

MINISTERS formally adopted their common position on the directive to guarantee rights to workers posted to other member states, following the political agreement reached in March. The UK and Portugal voted against the text.

COUNCIL also adopted the Parental Leave Directive negotiated by the social partners as an 'A-point', again following the political agreement reached in March. This will guarantee all workers (except in the UK) three months unpaid leave to care for children up to the age of eight.

THE proposal to nominate 1997 as European Year Against Racism was blocked by the UK. British officials claimed that this was because of their campaign of non-cooperation, even though the UK had not entirely agreed with the proposal anyway. UK Minister Eric Forth admitted: “We did have some concerns about some aspects of the original proposal, because we firmly believe that it should be for each member state to determine how best to tackle racism and xenophobia.”

THREE further measures were held up by the British campaign. These were a recommendation asking member states to promote balanced participation by men and women in decision-making; a resolution on transparency of professional training certificates; and conclusions on a Commission report on the demography of the EU in 1995.

THE Interim Report on Employment, which will form the basis of discussions at the Florence summit, was also adopted by Council. It contains details of the employment situation in member states and the main measures being undertaken under national “pluriannual employment programmes”.

AS a follow-up to the UN women's conference in Beijing, ministers discussed measures, both taken and planned, at national and EU level to improve sexual equality.

ALSO up for discussion were the Commission's recent ideas on the consultation of workers in national undertakings, an initiative aimed at unblocking four proposals including one on 'European companies'. There was general support for setting up a high-level reflection group, but a decision will not be taken until MEPs have given their opinion on the plans.

SOCIAL Affairs Commissioner Pádraig Flynn reported on consultations with the social partners on the burden of proof in sex discrimination cases and conditions governing 'atypical' work.

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