New steps proposed in equality dance

Series Title
Series Details 09/01/97, Volume 3, Number 01
Publication Date 09/01/1997
Content Type

Date: 09/01/1997

By Simon Coss

IN A radical reappraisal of the Parliament's approach to sex equality, Swedish Liberal Hadar Cars is proposing the abolition of the institution's women's rights committee.

Cars, himself a member of the committee, argues that the cause of sex equality would be far better served if all of the Parliament's committees considered questions of gender when drawing up reports.

He claims the current state of affairs, where other committees refer issues to their women's rights counterparts almost as an afterthought, means that sex equality has become effectively isolated within the institution.

“What I am proposing is a more horizontal approach to the question. I am suggesting that every parliamentary committee should appoint two people a man and a woman to ensure that sex equality is respected. They would have the right to call in rapporteurs if necessary,” says Cars.

These representatives would sit on a panel known as the 'mainstream monitoring board' responsible for overseeing equality issues.

Cars an EU newcomer seems to have quickly grasped the Union principle of 'if you want something to work, give it a catchy acronym'.

In a letter to committee colleagues, he draws attention to the fact that the Mainstream Monitoring Board can be abbreviated to 'MaMBo'. In a helpful footnote he explains: “Mambo is a dance which has much in common with the politics of equality. It can be performed both individually or in pairs, but is best by many persons together.”

Hadar's suggestions are being taken seriously by his pro-equality colleagues.

“I have a great deal of respect for Mr Cars and these are certainly serious proposals which I will study very carefully,” said Green MEP Nel van Dijk, who chairs the women's rights committee.

However, Van Dijk stresses the need to ensure that women's rights do not end up becoming marginalised in any shake-up.

“Having representatives on every committee is a good idea, but the women's rights committee has its own role too. We must be careful not to give things away and receive nothing back in return,” she cautions.

The committee president also questions the need to always have a man and a woman in the 'MaMBo' roles. “I do not believe we should always pick a member of each sex that just confirms gender differences. I think it is better to have the best person for the job,” says Van Dijk.

For his part, Cars also hopes his proposals may well clear up some of the current confusion which exists between the women's rights and social affairs committees over 'who is responsible for what'. Under the current set up, debates on the somewhat nebulous subject of 'equality' often fall into the grey area between the two.

In addition, Cars points out that abolishing the women's committee would free-up pro-equality MEPs to work in other areas. “In our Parliament, female members represent a quarter of all MEPs. Of these, those most interested in equality are presumably found amongst those who are members of our committee. This specific group thus takes less part in the work of other committees,” he says.

“It seems a pity to me that those who are most needed in the implementation of mainstreaming are not able to devote their full attention to other committees, where the combination of their political skill and awareness of equality issues would be put to their best use.”

The women's rights committee will have an opportunity to discuss Cars' ideas when it meets at the end of the month.

“I do not expect everyone to agree with me, but it is important to get this debate off the ground. Perhaps my idea will not be the approach finally adopted, but I do believe it is a step in the right direction,” says Cars.

Whatever happens, however, things are unlikely to change quickly. The committees' rules of conduct state that any reorganisation cannot take place until after the next European parliamentary elections in June 1999.

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