Summit leaders set to clinch anti-terror deal

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Series Details Vol.7, No.34, 20.9.01, p1-2
Publication Date 20/09/2001
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Date: 20/09/01

By David Cronin

The move follows a diplomatic offensive in Europe. UK premier Tony Blair was due to meet President Bush in Washington tonight after breakfast talks with French President Jacques Chirac in Paris.

At the same time, EU foreign policy supremo Javier Solana, External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten and Belgian minister Louis Michel were due to hold talks with US Secretary of State Colin Powell.

The latest developments came as the US sent more than 100 combat aircraft to the Gulf in 'Operation Infinite Justice'.

The EU delegation was due to present Powell with a nine-section proposal on counter-terrorism measures, which will go before tomorrow's summit to be endorsed. Under the package, the EU's fledgling police agency Europol will be authorised to work in tandem with US law enforcement agencies against terrorism.

Brussels officials had expected the long-scheduled meeting with Powell to be cancelled in the aftermath of last week's outrages but the former chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff insisted it should go ahead. "It is intended to give a political push to step up EU-US cooperation against terrorism," one official commented.

Despite the numerous 'get tough on terrorism' statements made by Union leaders since the atrocities occurred, diplomats fear that implementing some of the points in the package could cause major headaches.

Judicial cooperation looks set to be one of, if not the, most problematic areas. Until now, many member states have been reluctant to extradite suspects to the US because of their opposition to the continued use of the death penalty. "It has been the main obstacle to better judicial cooperation. The EU will not be changing its policy on the death penalty," said a Commission official.

While the two sides should be able to achieve common ground on issues such as starving terrorists of funds, tougher border controls, improved aviation security and surveillance of electronic data, several of the other EU recommendations could prove contentious.

The troika want a new initiative against small arms trafficking, for example. But the US, under pressure from the rifle-holders' lobby, opposed moves to boost international efforts in this field at a UN conference in July.

Meanwhile, it is expected that Friday's summit will culminate with a statement emphasing Union unity with the US. But it is almost certain that this will fall short of unqualified backing for the military onslaught which the US is said to be preparing against Afghanisatan for harbouring Osama bin Laden.

Although all 11 EU members of NATO had pledged to rally to the US defence, cracks seemed to be appearing in their unity last weekend. But a whirlwind tour by Tony Blair - widely perceived as Washington's strongest European ally - has since produced an apparent volte face by some who had shown signs of cold feet.

Italy had expressed reluctance to commit troops but Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has since indicated he would be prepared to do so. Paris had also voiced concerns but President Jacques Chirac said it was conceivable French soldiers and equipment will be used.

US efforts to secure international support for its plans received a boost yesterday when Germany's lower house of parliament voted by a large majority that the country's forces should be ready to support America.

The Bush government also held talks yesterday with Megawati Sukarnoputri, president of Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, and the foreign ministers of Germany, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, EU officials say it is unlikely Friday's summit will dwell on military issues as the Union does not yet have operational military capacity.

Apart from the anti-terrorism package, the other main item on the agenda will be the perilous state of the world economy. Lines of communication are to be kept open between the heads of state and EU finance ministers meeting in Liège, Belgium, over the weekend. The ministers will be considering if special aid should be given to sectors including aviation whose confidence has been shattered by last week's events.

Although the mood at the summit will be inevitably sombre, the leaders are expected to take some heart from the ceasefire in the Middle East. A brief discussion will be held on how the EU can help underpin the still-fragile truce.

NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson reportedly asked yesterday if he could attend the summit, but his request was rejected by the Belgian EU presidency.

A ground-breaking accord on measures aimed at preventing a repeat of the terrorist attacks that have devastated America is likely to be approved by EU leaders at an emergency summit in Brussels, 21 September 2001.

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