Presidential vote reveals hostility to political deal

Series Title
Series Details 16/01/97, Volume 3, Number 02
Publication Date 16/01/1997
Content Type

Date: 16/01/1997

By Rory Watson

CHRISTIAN Democrat MEP José María Gil-Robles became the second Spaniard in five years to be elected as European Parliament president this week after he saw off a surprisingly strong challenge from Radical French member Catherine Lalumière.

Despite an electoral pact between the Parliament's two largest groups the Socialists and the European People's Party (EPP) Gil-Robles only defeated the former Council of Europe secretary-general by 338 votes to 177. Lalumière's vote was the highest by an unsuccessful presidential candidate for ten years, underlining the depth of hostility within the Parliament to the deal between the two major political groups which ensures that the post rotates between themselves.

After the vote, the losing candidate warned that the result carried “an essential political message for the survival and credibility of our institution”.

The outcome is likely to lead to even stronger demands from back-bench MEPs for greater freedom to vote for the candidate of their choice when the next internal elections are held in 1999.

The depth of feeling was also demonstrated in the selection of the 14 vice-presidents, where two Christian Democrat MEPs Nicole Fontaine and George Anastassopoulos who had unsuccessfully challenged the private deal which led to Gil-Robles' nomination were elected easily in the first round.

With 345 votes, French member Fontaine topped the poll, just as she had done in 1994, and retains her important position as a permanent member of the conciliation committee which negotiates legislative agreements with the Council of Ministers.

Sandwiched between Fontaine and Greek MEP Anastassopoulos, who emerged in fourth place with 298 votes, were the Socialists' two most popular members, Nicole Perry and David Martin as they had been two and a half years ago.

The final outcome ensures a careful left/right political balance within the 15-strong bureau which Gil-Robles will preside over and which will be responsible for the Parliament's internal administrative and financial management until the next pan-European elections in June 1999.

But it does not include a single member from seven EU member states three of the founding members (Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands), the three latest arrivals (Austria, Finland, Sweden) and Ireland and its geographical complexion has shifted even further towards southern Europe than before.

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