20 January Agriculture Council

Series Title
Series Details 23/01/97, Volume 3, Number 03
Publication Date 23/01/1997
Content Type

Date: 23/01/1997

ITALIAN Minister Michele Pinto's attempts to force a commitment to ease fines on Italy for producing well above its milk quota were given a cool reception. With roadblocks continuing in Italy, Pinto called for a restricted session (ministers plus one adviser) to discuss options for flexibility on the outstanding 170 million ecu 'superlevy' bill. He also called for a 600,000-tonne increase in the Italian quota. But ministers were unwilling to consider any changes to the regime at the moment and Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler said nothing could be done until the Commission had worked on the future approach for the sector.

DUTCH Minister Jozias van Aartsen outlined his priorities for the next six months, confirming the first discussion of the price package would take place at the 17-18 February meeting. He also drew attention to reforms in the olive oil, tobacco, beef and dairy sectors, and stressed his interest in animal welfare questions, including staging posts for animal transport and tighter rules for battery hen production.

THERE was a brief exchange of views on Fischler's report on the tobacco regime. The Greek and Italian delegations called for additional aid, while the UK and Sweden supported the idea of a gradual phasing out of support, saying agricultural aid should not be confused with social policy.

MINISTERS voted unanimously to change the current flax regime to make support available only to genuine producers. Even Spain, which had earlier objected to the reform, accepted the deal after concessions were made on how minimum yields should be calculated. France asked for similar changes to the hemp regime and received assurances from the Commission that proposals would be prepared.

FISCHLER updated the Council on progress in the special committee for agriculture on beef identification and labelling, and ministers agreed that discussions should be finalised before the European Parliament gives its opinion so that measures can be adopted as soon as possible. France, Germany, Austria and Sweden want compulsory labels rather than the optional scheme suggested by the Commission.

THE Commissioner reported that negotiations with the Czech Republic on veterinary equivalence were almost complete and were continuing with several other central and eastern European countries (CEECs) including Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. This will be a major topic at the joint meeting of EU and CEEC farm ministers in March. A great deal of progress still has to be made in talks with the US, Canada and Australia.

A DANISH request for private storage aid for pig meat (supported by Austria, Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden) will be “seriously considered” by the Commission. The EU is to seek WTO consultations with Tokyo about the Japanese safeguard clause for pig meat triggered for the second year which is the main reason for the present market disruption.

COUNCIL formally adopted amendments to the 1977 directive on organisms harmful to plant health. But Germany voted against, citing breaches of subsidiarity and lack of confidence between member states.

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