Series Title
Series Details 20/03/97, Volume 3, Number 11
Publication Date 20/03/1997
Content Type

Date: 20/03/1997

“I think we have reached the point of no return on the way to the euro.”

German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel insisting the EU was beyond turning back on its march towards the single currency.

“I have the opinion that I had underrated the problems.”

Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert revealing that his officials would start an in-depth probe into the mega-merger between Boeing and McDonnell Douglas this week.

“This is a signal of anger and indignation. We don't want to be lied to again. We won't be cheated again.”

Willy Pierens, head of Belgium's Christian Democratic CSC union, addressing the crowds at a protest march in Brussels last weekend in the wake of Renault's decision to close its factory at Vilvoorde in Belgium.

“We as ministers responsible for the Union are obviously affected by the apparent impotence of Europe to get to grips with all the different dimensions of the single market.”

French European Affairs Minister Michel Barnier referring to the recent truckers' strikes in France and Spain, and plans by carmaker Renault to close its Belgian plant and cut jobs elsewhere.

“Much remains to be done, but there is not the slightest reason to doubt that Amsterdam will be a success.”

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, speaking after a meeting with Dutch Premier Wim Kok where both men insisted they were confident that EU leaders would be able to sign a revised EU treaty at their June summit in Amsterdam.

“I think it's stupid.”

Dutch Christian Democrat MEP and group leader Hanja Maij-Weggen attacking the presidency for refusing to answer parliamentary concerns about the direction EU treaty reform is taking.

“A door has been opened. Turkey has been put on track for full membership of the European Union for the first time.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Tansu Çiller speaking after last weekend's informal meeting of EU foreign ministers where they sought to distance themselves from remarks made by some of their own leaders the previous week which appeared to rule out future Turkish membership of the Union.

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