Press Release: European Commission proposes EU-wide approximation of penal laws on racist offences

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/01/1680 (28.11.01)
Publication Date 28/11/2001
Content Type

Racist and xenophobic acts should be punishable by the same penalties in all Member States proposed the European Commission on 28 November 2001. In a proposal for a Framework Decision (a legislative instrument in the field of penal law) adopted today, the Commission underlined the need for perpetrators of racist and xenophobic offences to be brought to justice, and for courts to have appropriate and proportionate penalties at their disposal all over Europe. The proposal would also send a strong deterrent message to those contemplating committing this type of offence. The offences covered by this proposal include public incitement to violence or hatred for racist or xenophobic reasons, and directing, supporting or participating in the activities of a racist or xenophobic group. For these conducts, a “minimum maximum” penalty of two years is proposed. The public dissemination of racist material by any means, including the Internet, must also be regarded as a criminal offence.

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