Press Release: Transport White Paper: The Commission will organise an all-day debate on 27 November 2001

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/01/1605 (19.11.01)
Publication Date 19/11/2001
Content Type

The Commission's White Paper “European Transport Poicy for 2010” adopted on 12 September 2001, which takes stock of the existing situation and proposes strategies for maintaining a competitive and sustainable transport system, launched a wide-ranging debate in Europe. As part of this debate, the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport is organising a high-level meeting with key stakeholders from the transport industry in Brussels on 27 November 2001 under the auspices of Loyola de Palacio, European Vice-President in charge of Transport and Energy, Isabelle Durant, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and President-in Office of the Transport Council.

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