29-30 January Economic and Social Committee

Series Title
Series Details 06/02/97, Volume 3, Number 05
Publication Date 06/02/1997
Content Type

Date: 06/02/1997

A STOCKTAKE of the achievements of the first three years of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy was adopted by the plenary. The report was broadly favourable, but highlighted a number of problem areas, including the need for reform of the wine and olive oil sectors and the catastrophic effect of the BSE crisis on meat production. The stocktake - a kind of 'mid-term review' of the reforms - also examined how the CAP could cope with future challenges, especially the strains which will be placed on the system by enlargement to include the countries of central and eastern Europe.

RELATIONS with the 'tiger' economies of south-east Asia were also discussed, with the plenary session adopting an opinion calling for stronger ties between the EU and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

On the question of human rights, notably the situation in East Timor, the committee said that the time could well be right for a negotiated solution based on recent United Nations resolutions.

GROUNDWATER levels across the Union are falling to dangerously low levels as cities, farmers and industry use ever increasing amounts of the vital resource, the session heard. The situation is threatening drinking water quality and supplies of fresh water across the Union, the plenary was told. In response to the crisis, the committee adopted an opinion on an integrated groundwater protection plan. The proposed scheme would involve a public education programme on the need to conserve groundwater. The committee hopes the protection plan will eventually be incorporated into existing directives on water quality.

THE committee heard from Research Commissioner Edith Cresson, who presented the key elements of the forthcoming Fifth Framework Research Programme.

Dutch Deputy Prime Minister Hans Dijkstal also addressed members, outlining the priorities for his country's six-month presidency of the Union.

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