The UK and EMU in The political economy of Monetary Union. Towards the euro, p159-177

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 1998
ISBN 0-415-17442-2 (Hbk)
Content Type

The political economy of monetary union. Towards the Euro:
Is monetary union just a politician's dream, or the logical cumulation of fifty years of gradual economic integration? This is the central question of this book, which is written by senior professionals in major financial institutions and places the whole issue of monetary union within its wider political economic context and also an international perspective.

The book covers a broad range of issues, combining academic findings with details of up-to-date practical developments. Topics covered include: effects of EMU on fiscal and monetary policies; legal developments such as the 'Stability and Growth Pact' and 'ERM II'; the impact of EMU on unemployment; budget deficits, both as a criterion of EMU and in a more general context; interest rate setting and central bank independence

Giordano, Francesco/ Persaud, Sharda The political economy of monetary union. Towards the Euro
Routledge, 1998
ISBN: 0-415-17442-2 (Hbk)/ 0-415-17443-0 (Pbk)
Price: £50.00 (Hbk)/ £15.99 (Pbk)

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions