European textiles. The sorry state of fashion today

Series Title
Series Details No.8411, 29.1.05
Publication Date 29/01/2005
ISSN 0013-0613
Content Type ,

From high fashion to the high street, Europe's rag trade is being torn to shreds

THIS week Paris was abuzz with the biannual ritual of the city's high-fashion shows. Giorgio Armani opened the series on January 24th, the Italian designer's first ever show in Paris. Almost louder than the buzz of the shows, however, was the industry's fretting over its own future. Europe's fashionistas are asking how long high fashion can survive. With a dwindling client base and copies rapidly available from clothes chains with quick production cycles, it has become almost impossible to make money out of custom-made garments.

Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace and Valentino are all making losses - only Chanel is thought to make money. After failing to make a profit for years, Ungaro is up for sale, and on January 25th Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), a luxury-goods firm, sold Christian Lacroix, another loss-making brand, to American duty-free retailers for a “symbolic” price. Prada has parted company with Helmut Lang after persistent losses. Ten years ago, more than 20 houses held Paris shows; today only a handful can afford to carry on.

Europe's rag trade has been in trouble now for more than five years. Luxury-goods groups reliant on glamorous names keep high fashion alive. Valentino, for example, is owned by Marzotto, Italy's biggest clothing and textile group; Yves Saint Laurent belongs to Pinault-Printemps-Redoute, a French rival to LVMH.

Further down the fashion chain things are equally dire. Mass-market producers cannot afford sustained losses. Medium-sized and small companies in France, Italy and Spain are cutting production or moving it abroad. Some have merged or tried to cut costs by lowering the quality of their products. Dozens have already gone under; many more are fighting for survival.

The effects of China

The main cause of the mass market's troubles is competition from China. Producers cannot match its low labour costs: the effect can be devastating, says Didier Grumbach at the Federation Franaise de la Couture, France's main fashion association.

And it can only get worse. Since January 1st world trade in textiles has been freed of all restrictions, and members of the European Union (EU) are expecting a flood of Chinese imports. At the moment the EU is the world's leading exporter of textiles and the second-largest exporter of clothing. The industry employed 2.7m people in 2003 and had a turnover of more than €225 billion ($250 billion). But the EU's imports of Chinese textiles and clothing almost doubled between 2001 and 2003, partly as a result of a phase-out of quotas that began ten years ago. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) predicts that within two years China could control about 50% of the world's textile market.

Home to more than half of Europe's textile companies, Italy stands to suffer most from China's new freedom. It has some 50,000 textile companies clustered in Biella, Como and other regions. They are small, often family-run firms employing an average of ten people. Nearly two-thirds of their production is exported.

Many of these firms have already felt the pinch. Fratelli Piacenza, a cashmere company in Biella, is moving production to lower-wage countries. Other firms have reduced production and cut workers. Yet more jobs will go this year. “Italy is now going through the crisis that happened in France about eight years ago,” says Mario Boselli, boss of the Camera Nazionale della Moda, Italy's big fashion association.

In France, dozens of firms went out of business between 1993 and 2003, when about one-third of the industry's jobs were lost. Today more than 60% of French brands are produced abroad. Kindy, a sock-maker, started to move part of its production to North Africa and Portugal in the 1990s. Now it is planning to produce even more cheaply by moving 30% of its production to China over the next three years.

The French and Italian fashion associations have long been bitter rivals, but on January 17th Messrs Grumbach andBoselli agreed on a plan designed to soften the shock caused by the ending of textile quotas. They intend to co-operate in the battle against counterfeiting and to fight for further measures to stem the flow of low-quality textile imports.

The industry's most effective lobby, however, is Euratex, a trade association based in Brussels. Over the past few months it has argued for “safeguards”, controversial instruments used to justify stemming the flood of Chinese imports. Safeguards were built into the agreement that America signed with China in November 1999 as part of China's accession to the WTO. Turkey decided on January 9th to use safeguards on 43 categories of Chinese textiles, and Argentina recently imposed similar quotas on textile imports from China. Euratex is sure there will be a case for invoking safeguards in the EU soon. In 2002 and 2003 imports of anoraks from China increased three or four times while prices fell by 75%, says a spokesman. (Quotas for anoraks ended earlier than those for other products.)

Peter Mandelson, the EU trade commissioner, has so far been cold towards the idea of re-imposing restrictions. The European Commission says it is working on guidelines for the imposition of safeguards, but it has been saying that for the last three months, grumbles Thierry Noblot of the Union des Industries Textiles, the French industry's main lobby group.

China is thinking of imposing restrictions itself: setting minimum prices on some clothing exports in addition to export duties of 2-4% on some textiles. But neither measure is likely to have much effect. European firms need to continue restructuring for the new textile world, where they must focus on quality and innovation, their only competitive advantages over China. Italy's Biella is spending €2.8m on a marketing campaign to promote “the art of excellence”.

The need for innovation and excellence is also the best argument for the survival of Europe's haute couture. Now that Mr Armani has at last been to the Paris shows, he must return again and again.

Feature looks at the state of the European textiles industry, especially from the threat from imports from China.

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