Press Release: First case of BSE in a goat: Member States support Commission proposal for increased testing

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/132 (2.2.05)
Publication Date 02/02/2005
Content Type

The Member States on 2 February 2005 voted in favour of the European Commission's proposal to step up testing for BSE in the EU goat population, following the confirmation in the previous week of the first case of BSE found in a goat. The testing scheme had been proposed by the Commission to determine if this BSE case represents an isolated incident or if further measures need to be taken. It was planned to closely monitor the situation and to review it at the latest after six months, based on the results of the increased testing and the outcome of a quantitative risk assessment on the safety of goat meat currently being carried out by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

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