European elections. Martin’s travels

Series Title
Series Details No.8378, 5.6.04
Publication Date 05/06/2004
Content Type ,

How parliament's expenses abuse is helping one MEP's campaign

AS A budding journalist, Hans-Peter Martin once worked undercover in the kitchen of a posh hotel in the Austrian Alps to document the poor treatment of the staff. Years later, the 46-year-old member of the European Parliament still uses the same tricks. Voted in as a Social Democrat in 1999, the former reporter for Der Spiegel used a concealed minicam to film other MEPs as they made use of, and candidly talked about, the generous perks and expenses paid by the parliament. By going public with his grainy footage, Mr Martin became the most despised man in Strasbourg. But he has put the abuse of perks and expenses back on the agenda yet again, as disillusioned voters across Europe prepare to go to the polls next week.

The venom against Mr Martin was probably strongest of all in his own Socialist group, which expelled him earlier this year because he had refused to apologise to some female colleagues for allegedly assaulting them as they tried to sign in for a parliamentary session that had been cancelled. Not to be outdone, Mr Martin claimed that a British Labour MEP, Gordon Adam, had thrown him to the ground. Mr Adam accused the Austrian of faking the attack to create an incriminating photo.

Mr Martin claims that the only way to document the shenanigans at the parliament was through surreptitious filming. Even his foes admit that perks in the European Parliament, such as the reimbursement of every flight at the highest available economy fare regardless of the actual cost, are unjustified and should be scrapped. Mr Martin's main target has been the common practice of signing in on a Friday morning for a full day's work, collecting a daily stipend of €262 ($320) and then taking an early flight home.

Being a pest to his colleagues has, at least, made Mr Martin the darling of the tabloid press. Bild, the biggest-selling German daily, has put his photos on its front page. The British tabloids also featured them prominently. Bild's Austrian counterpart, Kronen-Zeitung, helped Mr Martin to launch his candidacy to re-enter the parliament as an independent. Most voters support his agenda of transparency and reform. Thanks to good press coverage, Mr Martin has a chance of getting enough votes to win an Austrian seat.

Yet after putting all his own travel expenses on the table, Mr Martin has some explaining of his own to do. How did a plane ticket for his son end up on the list of reimbursements, and why did he claim an allowance for a car ride across the Brenner Pass, which leads to Italy, not to Brussels or Strasbourg? Moreover, Mr Martin's appeal tends to fizzle on the campaign trail. He speaks with a squeaky voice and is uncomfortable shaking hands and making small talk. Perhaps voters will find him as annoying as his erstwhile colleagues did. But, even with his minicam gone, the pressure for reform of the parliament's expenses system will continue.

Article looks at the Austrian MEP, Hans-Peter Martin, who has campaigned against the European Parliament's expenses abuse.

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