Blair and Schröder at odds with Prodi on nuclear safety

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Series Details Vol.10, No.7, 26.2.04
Publication Date 26/02/2004
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By David Cronin

Date: 26/02/04

EUROPEAN Commission President Romano Prodi has clashed with Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder over attempts to give the EU a greater say in nuclear safety, European Voice has learned.

Both the British premier and German chancellor jointly protested in September last year to Prodi over attempts by the Commission to introduce binding EU-wide rules on nuclear waste and the safety of nuclear power plants.

The pair believe the 'nuclear safety package' would be an unnecessary addition to standards set and work undertaken by the International Atomic Energy Agency and would usurp the powers of national regulators, who they consider better placed to police nuclear installations.

But the Commission president has argued that their stance conflicts with an agreement reached by EU leaders, including Blair and Schröder, at the 2001 Laeken summit.

In a 17 November letter, obtained by this newspaper, Prodi wrote: "The European Council in Laeken called for the maintenance of a high level of nuclear safety in the Union and gave a mandate to the Commission and member states' experts to monitor the security and safety of nuclear installations.

"In the context of enlargement, the call for high nuclear safety standards in the Union is all the more pressing.

"Furthermore, the implementation of the internal electricity market has important implications also for the nuclear sector. In 2007, 440 million consumers will be able to choose their electricity supplier freely.

"The diversification we need in Europe must be supported by consumer confidence. A legally binding Community instrument is the only option which will give assurances to European citizens on the application of high safety standards across the enlarged European Union."

"Public opinion," the Italian continued, "expects clear answers to the question of long-term nuclear waste disposal. Whatever the future of nuclear technology, whatever uses it is put to - for energy, industrial or medical purposes - the management of radioactive waste resulting from such uses calls for radical solutions.

"The Commission's proposal offers a clear answer based on what a vast majority of experts considers the most advanced technical solution while at the same time redoubling the research efforts."

The EU executive first came forward with the 'nuclear package' blueprint in November 2002, but has revised it somewhat in the interim. However, the revisions have not been enough to ensure its passage through the Council of Ministers.

Along with the UK and Germany, Sweden and Finland have formed an alliance against the plan.

Together, the four have sufficient votes to block the package when it is put to the formal vote of EU energy ministers.

However, the Commission's energy spokesman Gilles Gantelet said yesterday that the executive will probably publish a modified version of the package either next month or in April.

It is anticipated the changes will address at least some of the concerns voiced by the four, as well as by MEPs.

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