Hain unveils blueprint to tackle EU ‘credibility gap’ with citizens

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Series Details Vol.8, No.19, 16.5.02, p5
Publication Date 16/05/2002
Content Type

Date: 23/05/02

By Martin Banks

PETER Hain, UK Minister for Europe, has unveiled an ambitious blueprint for bridging the 'huge' credibility gap which he says exists between the EU and its citizens.

Speaking exclusively to European Voice, he calls for radical changes to Europe's decision-making machinery.

His proposals for the future of Europe include:

  • An end to the EU's six-month rotating presidency, replacing it with a longer term;
  • A European president to represent the EU on the world stage;
  • A major shake-up of the General Affairs Council (GAC).

Speaking on the eve of his first anniversary in office, Hain said: 'There is a huge credibility gap and significant alienation between EU institutions and its citizens. If the EU hopes to be ever taken seriously internationally, and become a global player, this has to be addressed.'

Hain will put forward his proposals for institutional change at the Convention on Europe's future, on which he represents the UK government.

The centrepiece of his plans is a much stronger Council of Ministers and an end to the six-month rotating presidency, currently held by Spain.

Presidency 'a joke'

He said: 'Six months is no time at all. In fact, it's a joke. I would suggest a longer term of, say, two years.

'That would give the country holding the presidency a better chance of actually achieving something concrete.

'I'd also like to see more of a 'team presidency', or steering group, comprised of ministers from maybe five or six countries, including smaller member states as well as the larger ones.'

He says such a team would ensure that, rather than having a different country in sole control every six months, other member states would have a significant input on the direction of the presidency.

While wishing to see more powers for the European Parliament, Hain says he does not want the Commission president to be elected by the assembly. 'The post should be non-partisan and this would leave the president potentially the political hostage of MEPs,' he says.

Instead, he supports a variation of the existing system under which MEPs 'audition' the president and his choice of commissioners. Currently, MEPs cannot veto individuals, only the whole proposed Commission, but Hain favours a more open process in which Parliament would hold US-style Congressional hearings before confirming the Council-nominated president and each commissioner.

Tony Blair has given Hain licence to stray beyond Britain's accepted line on the EU.

One of his most radical suggestions is for a new style of European President, who would be nominated by the country holding the rotating presidency.

'The EU does not, currently, have any coherent leadership: no one who can speak for it as

the American and Russian presidents do for their countries.

'Europe should be a world force, but apart from in the area of trade and overseas aid, it is not at present - and certainly not diplomatically.'

Hain, known as 'Hain the Pain' in his younger, left-wing activist days, stressed his views were not meant to be a reflection on either Commission President Romano Prodi or Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy supremo, although both have faced criticism for their lacklustre performances on the world stage.

'The simple fact is that the political leadership the EU so badly needs can't come from the Commission president but from the Council,' said Hain.

The minister admitted he was unhappy about Prodi's recent comments alleging that Britain was 'afraid' to take a leading role in shaping the EU's future. 'You could say I was deeply underwhelmed by his remark,' said Hain, adding: 'Contrary to what some might say, the UK is flowing in the mainstream of Europe and that isn't something you could have said ten years ago.'

Hain also wants to see the GAC split to form two separate committees, one for foreign ministers, the other for, possibly, Europe ministers.

'The GAC at present tries to cover everything but does nothing properly,' he said.

The former europhobe, who has become a cheerleader for the euro in the UK, added: 'The idea of a Brussels-based EU 'superstate' has, I believe, bitten the dust. I want more power for the EU but one rooted in member states.'

Hain also warned that the Union could not afford to be complacent about the rise of the far-right following the recent electoral success of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the French presidential election.

He described it as a 'wake-up call' to EU leaders.

Peter Hain, UK Minister for Europe, has unveiled an ambitious blueprint for bridging the 'huge' credibility gap which he says exists between the EU and its citizens.

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