Press Release: Commission launches public debate on the best way to promote smoke-free environments

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/109 (30.1.07)
Publication Date 30/01/2007
Content Type

The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper, entitled "Towards a Europe free from tobacco smoke: policy options at EU level", to launch a broad public consultation on the best way to promote smoke-free environments in the European Union. The Green Paper examines the health and economic burdens associated with passive smoking, public support for smoking bans, and the measures taken so far at national and EU level. Views are sought on the scope of measures to tackle passive smoking. The advantages and disadvantages of measures of different scope are analysed, including a total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and exemptions of different types (e.g. for restaurants and bars). The Commission considers that the policy of widest scope would bring the biggest health benefit to the public health of the population. Finally, the Commission seeks views on which policy option would be most appropriate to achieve smoke-free environments: no change from the status quo, voluntary measures, coordination and exchange of best practices between Member States, a Commission or Council Recommendation or binding EU legislation. The other EU institutions, Member States and civil society are invited to submit their comments to the Green Paper until 1 May 2007. The Commission will then analyse the responses and produce a report with the main findings of the consultation, before considering further steps.

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European Commission: DG Communication: MEMO/07/37

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