Press Release: European Commission proposes an EU strategy for peace, security and development in the Horn of Africa

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/1441 (20.10.06)
Publication Date 20/10/2006
Content Type

The European Commission has adopted an “EU partnership for peace, security and development in the Horn of Africa.” This strategy sets out a comprehensive approach to conflict prevention in the Horn of Africa, tackling the root causes of instability, and provides a political framework for concrete regional initiatives and for structured dialogue between partners. The Horn of Africa is one of the poorest and most conflict prone regions in the world. The protracted border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia, the Somalia crisis and the Sudanese and Northern Uganda conflicts have a negative impact on the region as a whole and broader international ramifications. Cross-border dynamics, such as illegal migration and trafficking of arms, drugs and refugee flows, are factors contributing to regional instability. An uncontrolled, politically neglected, economically marginalised and environmentally damaged Horn has the potential to undermine the region and the EU broad stability and security.

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