Press Release: Scientists warn: Ultraviolet radiation from sunbeds increases skin-cancer risk

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/942 (6.7.06)
Publication Date 06/07/2006
Content Type

According to an opinion of the Scientific Committee on Consumer products (SCCP) to the European Commission released on 6 July 2006, the use of ultraviolet-radiation devices, tanning lamps and sunbeds, to achieve and maintain cosmetic tanning, is likely to increase the risk of malignant melanoma of the skin. Therefore, scientists recommend that people with known risk factors, such as skin with high sunburn susceptibility, none or poor tanning ability, the presence of freckles, atypical and/or multiple moles and a family history of melanoma should not use tanning devices for cosmetic purposes. Equally, individuals under 18 should not use tanning devices since the risk of melanoma seems to be particularly high when using them at a young age. The Commission calls upon Member States and the sun-bed industry to ensure that appropriate warnings and instructions are provided with the product to prevent misuse. The Commission will also call upon standardisers to introduce UV limits in product standards, introduce guidance for industry and consumers and asks that Member States ensure that solariums apply these recommendations.

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European Commission: DG Health and Consumer Protection: Public Health: Risk assessment: Scientific committees: Scientific Committee on Consumer Products: Public consultation: SCCP Opinion on biological effects of ultraviolet radiation relevant to health with particular reference to sun beds for cosmetic purposes

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