Website: Scientific INformAtion for Policy Support in Europe: SINAPSE

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2006
Content Type ,

Expertise, and more specifically scientific expertise, is increasingly becoming an element of critical importance in the design, implementation and assessment of public policies. As a result, the policy makers must be in a position to effectively consult the scientific community and give scientists the opportunity to share their concerns and knowledge. Consulting and listening under time pressure to an ever larger number of experts, on issues of growing complexity, is however difficult.

It is towards this end that the European Commission has, as foreseen in its Science and Society Action Plan, developed the SINAPSE e-Network (Scientific INformAtion for Policy Support in Europe). The main objective of this web-based communication platform is to offer a set of essential tools to promote and encourage the effective exchange of information between all stakeholders concerned by the use of science in European governance.

SINAPSE will help the practical implementation of new forms of governance, by facilitating the involvement of actors who are currently hard to consult, and enabling them to share their knowledge and viewpoints. The network will also contribute to improving the breadth and scope of the information available to the public.

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