Press Release: Financial services: Commission launches consultations on regulation of conglomerates

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1488 (19.12.00)
Publication Date 19/12/2000
Content Type

The European Commission has launched consultations to seek the views of industry and other interested parties on the future regulation of financial conglomerates (i.e. single financial entities that offer a range of financial services such as banking, insurance and securities). The consultation document sets out the Commission's current thinking on the key elements necessary in upcoming legislation in this field. Comments received by 10.2.01 will be taken into account in the drafting of a Commission proposal for a Directive on the prudential supervision of financial conglomerates due for publication in the Spring of 2001. This legislation is one of the Commission's ten current priorities for the creation of a truly integrated market in financial services as laid down in the Financial Services Action Plan.

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