Press Release: To protect cod, whiting and hake Commission proposes substantial cuts in 2001 catches

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1396 (1.12.00)
Publication Date 01/12/2000
Content Type

On 1.12.00, the European Commission adopted a proposal to make substantial cuts in the fishing possibilities of a number of key EU fish stocks for 2001. These reductions in Total Allowable Catches (TACs) respond to independent scientific advice warning that cod and whiting in the North Sea and to the west of Scotland are in severe danger of collapse. The Northern hake stock in EU western waters is also at risk. Scientists have warned that the level of fishing must be significantly reduced on these three species. These cuts must also apply to a number of other demersal (sea bottom) species that evolve with cod, whiting and hake.

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