Press Release: EU scientists advise on BSE-related culling and review recent BSE research

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1038 (21.9.00)
Publication Date 21/09/2000
Content Type

On 21.9.00, the Scientific Steering Committee published an opinion on BSE-related culling, statements on recent publications on BSE related research as well as a positive opinion on the safety of bone-in-veal exports from the UK. After having evaluated recent studies about the possible endemic presence at very low levels of BSE in scrapie carrying sheep, and the possibility of BSE in other animals such as pigs, poultry and fish, the Committee does not see any cause for alarm, immediate action or a revision of its standing opinions. Its standing advice and recommendations on the risk of BSE type infections in sheep and other animals already take sufficient account of such possibilities insofar as they have been substantiated by currently available evidence or anticipated by the experts advising the Committee. The Committee will however continue to closely monitor any new evidence that may become available. The Committee considers that the conclusions of a recently published communication predicting significantly lower numbers of vCJD cases than previously assumed are premature.

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