Eastern Enlargement: The Sooner, the Better?

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date July 2000
ISBN 3-901676-26-0
Content Type

The publication presents the results the Second European Academy of Excellence hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour, held in Vienna, 16 and 17 June 2000. The intention of the Academy was to discuss the enlargement from the point of view of the accession countries. The first session dealt with the process of narrowing the structural gap and the search for an optimal exchange rate regime. The second session was devoted to the effects of fragmentation and outsourcing components production to Central and Eastern Europe on employment in East and West Europe.

Source Link http://www.bmwa.gv.at/NR/rdonlyres/efcv5pwevwotxr3qgegoo7b5urwnhwmjmxcbhv3cbp6ddsnyot3mj3x4ndfinmjafodgpjdfx66zfe/Eastern%2bEnlargement1.pdf
Subject Categories , ,
Countries / Regions