Press Release: Commission adopts in-depth assessment of the implementation of the 1999 Broad Economic policy Guidelines

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/249 (14.3.00)
Publication Date 14/03/2000

The European Commission adopted on 14.3.00 a report with an in-depth, overall assessment of the implementation of the 1999 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (BEPGs). According to Pedro Solbes, EU Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, 'the overall implementation of the 1999 BEPGs is encouraging. Virtually all Member States have met or surpassed their budgetary targets for 1999 and there are prospects for further improvements in budgetary positions in the years ahead. The quality and sustainability of public finances, in particular the reform of tax and pension systems, have finally come to the fore as issues of increasing importance. Both the forthcoming Lisbon European Council and the 2000 BEPG should accelerate the economic reforms under way in order inject more dynamism in the European economy'.

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