Press Release: Commission acts to liberalise the ‘last mile’ Local loop unbundling will boost high-speed Internet access

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/408 (26.4.00)
Publication Date 26/04/2000

The Commission adopted a Recommendation on 26.4.00 calling on all Member States to enact appropriate legal and regulatory measures for incumbent telecommunications operators to provide full unbundled access to the copper local loops by 31 December 2000, under transparent, fair and non-discriminatory conditions. In addition, the Commission has adopted a complementary Communication that explains the relationship of the Recommendation to Community competition rules, according to which incumbent operators have an obligation to provide unbundled access to the local loop under certain circumstances. The simultaneous adoption of this Communication strengthens the Recommendation's objective to provide access to local loops for all new entrants which will increase the level of competition and technological innovation, so stimulating the provision of a full range of telecommunication services, including broadband multimedia and high-speed Internet. The present actions follow on from the Commission's eEurope initiative and are the first step in response to the conclusions of the Lisbon European Council, March 2000 to bring about a substantial reduction in the costs of using the Internet and to promote access to the Information Society for all.

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