Press Release: Postal services: Commission proposes to speed completion of Internal Market

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/541 (30.5.00)
Publication Date 30/05/2000

The European Commission has proposed measures to open up a substantial share of the postal services market to competition by 2003. On the basis of new proposals to be tabled before the end of 2004, a further share of the market would be opened up by 2007. This step-by-step approach to complete the Internal Market in postal services will maintain existing safeguards to ensure universal postal service throughout the Union. The proposals respond to the request by the Lisbon European Council to speed up liberalisation of postal services as part of efforts to ensure a complete and fully operational Internal Market and so develop 'the most competitive, dynamic and knowledge-based economy in the world'. In particular, the Commission is proposing to increase the range of services which Member States must open to competition to include letters weighing more than 50 grams (the current weight limit is 350 grams), letters below 50 grams where the price is at least two and a half times the price of a standard letter (the current value limit is five times the price of a standard letter), all outgoing mail to other Member States and all express mail. The effect of today's proposal would be to open up an additional 20% of the EU postal market to competition, over and above the 3% opened up by the existing Directive.

A number of Member States, including France and the UK, have expressed disquiet about the proposals.

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