Press Release: Commission sets out EU Enterprise Policy for the New Economy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/414 (27.4.00)
Publication Date 27/04/2000

As a follow-up to the Conclusions of the Lisbon European Council last month, the European Commission has adopted a Communication and a Multi-annual Programme setting out how its Enterprise Policy will meet the challenges of globalisation and the new knowledge-driven economy.

In its Communication 'Challenges for enterprise policy in the knowledge-driven economy' the Commission sets out its approach to fostering entrepreneurship in the new economy. The main points are the following:
- the Commission intends to encourage risk-taking and the entrepreneurial spirit;
- to build a dynamic business environment in which companies can be created, grow and innovate, supported by risk-capital and an effective innovation and research policy; and
- to ensure that enterprises have effective access to markets, both internal and global, in which to sell their products and services.

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