Press Release: Commission adopts Progress Report on the eEurope Initiative, a top priority for the Lisbon European Council (23-24 March 2000)

Author (Corporate)
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Series Details IP/00/239 (9.3.00)
Publication Date 09/03/2000

Europe has the potential and is determined to catch up and become a leader in the new economy. The priorities of the Commission's eEurope initiative as set out in the Commission's contribution to the Lisbon European Council 'An agenda of economic and social renewal for Europe': education, filling the skills gap, accelerating e-commerce and lowering the cost of access to the Internet are crucial in this respect. eEurope is a political initiative of the European Commission to allow Europe to benefit fully from the Information Society, in terms of growth, employment and better quality of life. Accelerating the transition of Europe into the Digital Age will be a key issue on the agenda of the Special European Council in Lisbon. The Progress Report adopted by the Commission 9 March 2000 aims to contribute to the discussions in Lisbon, highlighting the need for EU Heads of States and Governments to fix clear objectives and agree on firm commitment towards their achievement.

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