Press Release: EU Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström welcomes G8 commitments on climate change and sustainable development

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/347 (10.4.00)
Publication Date 10/04/2000

G8 Environment Ministers and European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström met in Otsu, Japan, on 7-9 April 2000 to discuss a range of international sustainable development issues. Discussions centered on four key themes: I. Climate Change; II. Sustainable Development in the 21st Century and Rio + 10; III. Environment and Health; and IV. Follow-up on Previous G8 Environment Ministers' Meetings. The text of the Communique adopted at the end of the meeting is attached to this Press Release.

The Commissioner expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of the meeting: 'I think it is crucial that we, as G8 countries, have committed ourselves to an outcome of COP6 that ensures the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol and its targets. This is a promising perspective for The Hague later this year. Around the table we shared the view that at Rio+10 in 2002 we have to move from words to action. We must also address poverty eradication as the key concern for developing countries. Protection of the environment and economic development of the poorer countries can go together.'

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