Press Release: Commission statement on cyber crime

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/144 (10.2.00)
Publication Date 10/02/2000

In a statement issued on 10.2.00 the European Commission remarked that the recent series of attacks on well-known web sites has highlighted security issues concerned with electronic commerce. For its part, the European Commission has emphasised the crucial importance of consumer confidence and security in its recent e-Europe initiative, which will be discussed at the Lisbon Special Summit, March 2000, and a number of relevant initiatives have been taken or are in the pipeline. Particularly relevant is the forthcoming Communication on cyber-crime, due to be presented by the Commission before the summer.

Amongst other things, this Communication is due to raise awareness of the need for the use of effective security measures by service providers and access to the latest relevant technologies, including encryption. The Commission's IST research programme already foresees funding for projects in this field.

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