Rewriting rights in Europe

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 01/01/2000
ISBN 0-7546-2002-6
Content Type


This text tackles a wide range of issues relating to rights, citizenship and sovereignty in a European context. Such issues are of concern elsewhere with regeads to shifting conceptions and practices in international human rights. This book looks at the question of how much European rights and human rights interact and how much they must do so if Europe as a whole is to be an arena of 'belonging' and effective participation for all its residents.

This book reflects the focus on rights in Europe, looking at debates concerning immigration and minority rights, concerns about social exclusion, social protection, war crimes, human rights, women's rights and other topics.

The title was first published in 2000 by Ashgate Publishing and re-issued in 2018 by Routledge.

Table of contents:

+ Ch 1: Introduction: Rewriting Rights in Europe
Linda Hancock and Carolyn O’Brien

+ Ch 2: Rights and the Dignity of Humanity
Attracta Ingram

+ Ch 3: Women and Human Rights in Europe: Views from France
Bronwyn Winter

+ Ch 4: From Joan of Arc to Bardot: Immigration, Nationalism, Rights and the Front National
Paul Hainsworth

+ Ch 5: Reflections on Minority Rights and the Liberal State in Central Europe
Stefan Auer

+ Ch 6: Rights, Institutions and Culture after Communism
Martin Krygier

+ Ch 7: Economic Rights in Contemporary Europe
Donald MacLaren

+ Ch 8: Towards a Wider Europe: Eastern Europe’s Rocky Road into the European Union
Harald Sander

+ Ch 9: Legal Rights and State Responsibilities under the ECHR
David Kinley

+ Ch 10: The International Criminal Court and State Sovereignty
Helen Durham

+ Ch 11: Fundamental Rights, National Sovereignty and Europe’s New Citizens
Stephen Hall

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Subject Categories
Countries / Regions