Press Release: Scientists recommend Food and Health Authority to advise the EU

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/99/973 (13.12.99)
Publication Date 13/12/1999

The report, 'A European Food and Public Health Authority: the future of scientific advice in the EU', was presented by its authors, members of the Scientific Steering Committee of the EU, to Health Commissioner David Byrne. It recommends the creation of a European Food and Public Health Authority (EFPHA), which should be an independent body incorporating many of the features of an inter-institutional model such as the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) which has its own power to take initiatives, while also drawing on certain features of an agency such as the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA). This model should ensure that the new Authority is not isolated from the European Commission, Council and Parliament and can interact efficiently with them.

According to the report the Authority should be mainly responsible for: the provision of scientific advice on all health issues, excluding drugs and veterinary drugs approvals currently handled by EMEA; the development of an effective system for monitoring European public health; policy analysis in terms of risk evaluation; research policy development in co-operation with the DG for Research and the Joint Research Centre; information and communication on health issues; a key role in crisis management at the European level.

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