Clamour for action to bolster Union scientists’ credibility

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Series Details Vol 6, No.2, 13.1.00, p1
Publication Date 13/01/2000
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Date: 13/01/2000

By Renée Cordes

THE European Commission is coming under mounting pressure to crack down on members of EU scientific committees who do not disclose work for firms which would be directly affected by the panel's decisions.

More than 50 interest groups have written to the Commission demanding greater transparency in the scientific committees' working practices and asking the EU executive to clarify its policy concerning the way members are selected and how they take their decisions. They argue that loopholes in the current system risk undermining the panels' credibility.

The Commission insists the experts on these committees are required to abide by strict ethical standards and that the decisions they take are fair and open. But interest groups, industry and politicians argue that not enough is being done to ensure that the rules are properly enforced.

The escalating row threatens to embarrass Commission President Romano Prodi, who pledged to make EU institutions more transparent following the Santer team's resignation last year and has also made restoring battered public confidence in food safety a high priority.

Under the existing regulations, panel members have to sign an annual declaration of interests and to reveal any activities which could prejudice the committee's decision when particular topics are discussed at meetings.

But it is left up to individuals to decide precisely what details to disclose and to each committee to decide what action to take if a potential conflict of interest arises.

When a member declares an interest in the subject under discussion, it is up to the committee chair and other members to decide whether to ask the expert concerned to contribute factual information without trying to influence the outcome of the debate, refrain from taking any part in the discussion or even leave the meeting when the item is discussed. Declarations are also supposed to be included in the minutes of the meeting.

British Labour MEP Glenys Kinnock, who is planning to write to Consumer Protection Commissioner David Byrne asking what he intends to do to make the work of the scientific committees more transparent, says that while the existing rules "represent some progress", she is not entirely satisfied.

"In the current climate of reform, this can only be the beginning of more in this direction," she told European Voice.

Kinnock argues that there is a need for a common set of rules for all the committees, more specific regulations to govern what interests have to be declared and penalties for members who do not comply fully with these rules.

Concern over the issue has been fuelled by claims that "commercial interests" may have influenced the decision to adopt the 1999 directive on dietary foods designated for medical purposes, which covers breast milk substitutes for babies with health problems.

UK-based lobby group Baby Milk Action, which campaigns against the "unethical marketing" of breast milk substitutes, claims that a member of the committee which considered the proposals failed to disclose the full extent of his work for a company which makes baby milk substitutes.

"For consumers to have confidence in decisions, it is vital that policy-makers have access to truly independent advice and that any commercial influences are out in the open," said policy director Patti Rundall.

However, in a letter due to be sent to interest groups within days, Industry Commissioner Erkki Liikanen will insist the legislation was adopted with the full involvement of all the 'stakeholders' affected by it.

The European Commission is coming under mounting pressure to crack down on members of EU scientific committees who do not disclose work for firms which would be directly affected by the panel's decisions. More than 50 interest groups have written to the Commission demanding greater transparency in the scientific committees' working practices and asking the EU executive to clarify its policy concerning the way members are selected and how they take their decisions.

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