Author (Person) | Goyder, Joanna |
Publisher | Palladian Law Publishing |
Publication Date | 2000 |
ISBN | 1-902558-29-4 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Book abstract: 'EU distribution law' is concerned with competition rules prohibiting anti-competitive agreements affecting trade between Member States. Under EU law such agreements may be void and substantial fines imposed. To minimise risk, companies and their advisers must understand the new rules and exemptions covering their distribution and supply agreements. This book, now in its third edition, covers the major changes that have occurred since the first edition was published. The European Commission has completely rethought and redesigned its approach to distribution arrangements, and the result is a radically different landscape. The economic effects of agreements are now paramount, and the presence or absence of specific clauses less so. At the same time, the development of electronic commerce in its various forms has raised new questions for competition law. The book is intended to be both readable and approachable. Each chapter opens with a table of 'key points' which give a quick sketch of the areas covered in that chapter. The first three chapters of the book give a general overview of the EU legal order, and in particular competition law as applied to distribution. The book then goes on to give special attention to franchising, selective distribution and agency and finally looks to the future in a final chapter. The website will note future developments in regular updates which will be available free of charge. This book will be an informative introduction to competition law and distribution agreements, and is primarily aimed at the legal practitioner and in-house corporate lawyer. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Internal Markets |