Miscellaneous information: Official Journal: Changes

Series Title
Series Details No.1 February
Publication Date February 1999
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Miscellaneous information:
Official Journal: Changes:

From 1999 the L and C series of the Official Journal of the European Communities
(OJ) will be available in CD-ROM form, in addition to its paper form. A cumulative monolingual CD-ROM containing the text of all issues of the C and L series of the OJ for 1998 will be issued in the Spring of 1999 (€ 144). It will also be possible to subscribe thereafter to cumulative monolingual updates issued on a quarterly basis (€ 396 for 1999 subscription). In addition, a new Official Journal L&C hybrid CD-ROM/Internet subscription will be launched in 1999 for € 144. This will appear monthly, and will offer access to PDF files both on the CD-ROM and to the EUR-Lex internet site.

The microfiche option for the Official Journal L&C will continue for 1999, but will be replaced by electronic support for 2000.

Full details of these changes are given on the inside cover at the back of most current issues of the paper version of the OJ. See also 'EU electronic information column', p26.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions