EU budget: Fraud

Series Title
Series Details No.3 June
Publication Date June 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

EU budget:
Fraud. The Commission adopted on 6.5.98 its work programme for 1998/99 on the fight against fraud. The main features of the programme are an increased on-the-ground presence for the Commission's anti-fraud body UCLAF, and an intensified co-operation with and assistance to the applicant countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, actions against fraud with trade marks and product names, and protection of the euro against counterfeiting are given priority.

The annual report for activities in 1997 has also been published.
Source: COM (98)276 & 278 final (6.5.98); Press Release (European Commission), IP/98/400 and 401 (6.5.98)

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions