Framework Programme: ESPRIT

Series Title
Series Details No.3 June
Publication Date June 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

Framework Programme:
ESPRIT. DG III has issued the eleventh (and probably the final) call for proposals under the Fourth Framework Programme.

Separately DG III has also issued a call for expressions of interest in participating in an EU-US 'SME Partnership Event' in Texas in April 1998 to promote EU-US SME co-operation in the area of electronic commerce and multimedia technologies.
Source: Official Journal C81, 17.3.98, p11
Deadline: 16.6.98
Further details: DG III: Esprit Information Desk: Fax: +32-2-296-83-88 (87 for the EU-US Partnership event)

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions