Euroweb Directory. Directory of European Union websites

Publication Date 1998
ISBN 2-930261-01-3
Content Type

Euroweb 1999: Directory of European Union websites:
The Euroweb directory provides a printed index to the web site via a detailed bilingual (French/English) keyword index. The web sites themselves are numbered, over 2,300 in all. The publishers acknowledge that web sites undergo constant and rapid changes, meaning that for some addresses the user will be reliant on the sites to provide a new address. The directory is aimed at those who find the current search tools on the Europa website itself inadequate for their needs.

From: Lobby-Sources Europe - LSE, Rue du Noyer 26, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: +32-(0)2 735 88 84; Fax: +32-(0)2 736 76 50

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