Press Release: Competition: Commission vetoes decision by German regulator on call termination in fixed telephone networks

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/05/564 (17.5.05)
Publication Date 17/05/2005
Content Type

The European Commission on 17 May 2005 vetoed a decision by the German regulator, RegTP ('Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post'), not to regulate ex ante telephone call termination services provided by alternative network operators (ANOs). The Commission decision was based on Article 7(4) of the Electronic Communications Framework Directive (2002/21/EC). Operators need to buy call termination services from each other whenever their customers make a call to a different network, and the charge is generally passed on to the consumer placing the call. RegTP intended to regulate ex ante termination charges of Deutsche Telecom but not those of ANOs, an approach it had to revise following the European Commission's decision.

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