Britain’s language gap. Oh Là Là!

Series Title
Series Details No.8387, 7.8.04
Publication Date 07/08/2004
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No funny languages please, we're British

TO COMPLAIN that Britons, and most other English-speakers, perform dismally at foreign languages - especially when compared with continental Europeans - is probably to state the obvious. The startling news is that the chasm may be widening fast, as Britain's linguistic duds see less need for the gift of tongues and almost everybody else sees more.

Indeed, the gap has been growing for a while. According to Grant Thornton, a business consultancy, as many as 44% of British executives were prepared, back in 1992, to make the (possibly optimistic) claim they could negotiate in a foreign language. A decade later, the figure had dropped to 28%.

And at least in the short term, ignorance will probably deepen. When British schools reopen next month, they will no longer be obliged to teach at least one language to children of 14 and over. Before reaching that age, children will, as before, face three years of language learning - but on present trends, the vast majority will give up the struggle as soon as they have the chance.

Does that mean that Britain's Department for Education and Skills has given up the struggle too? Not at all, it insists. There will be a new focus on encouraging children to learn languages when they are most receptive, between the ages of seven and 11.

There is some sense in that; at seven, children can mimic the sound of foreign languages easily, and they are easily amused by songs, games and visual effects. Linda Parker from the Association for Language Learning, a teachers' lobby, says there have been “very encouraging results” from the effort to make tiny Brits chant in French or yodel along in German. The idea is that if children are introduced to languages at a tender age, they will be more likely to pursue them as teenagers and beyond.

Already, the optimists insist, there is a rise in the number of British university students opting for courses which are partly linguistic - French and marketing, for example. Pure language degrees have been declining in popularity.

But it may be that ignorance has passed the point of no return. A recruitment firm, Office Angels, recently polled 1,500 British workers and found that 20% thought “Quelle heure est-il?” meant “What day of the week is it?”

In a British game of linguistic put-downs, mind you, any number can play. A spokesperson for Office Angels felt unable, when invited, to offer any comment on what the word “angel” means to hundreds of millions of Muslims, Christians and Jews who believe in invisible heavenly powers. “For us, an angel is just an ideal person to have in the office.” Partly right, as a struggling British teacher might say.

Article looks at the language capabilities of the British.

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