Press Release: Mergers: Commission decides to allow Fortum to increase its shareholding in Gasum in the Finnish energy sector

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/04/1425 (1.12.04)
Publication Date 01/12/2004
Content Type

The European Commission on 1 December 2004 decided under the EU Merger Regulation to allow the Finnish energy company Fortum Oyj ('Fortum') to increase its shareholding in Gasum Oy ('Gasum'), the Finnish natural gas company. The Commission concluded that the acquisition of the 6% shareholding did not confer joint or sole control to Fortum over Gasum. The decision modified an earlier Commission decision taken in 1998 under the Merger Regulation to clear the concentration between Neste and Ivo (now Fortum) subject 'inter alia' to an explicit limit on Fortum's shareholding in Gasum to 25%. The new decision allowed Fortum's shareholding position to increase from 25% to 31% without Fortum acquiring either sole or joint control over Gasum.

Source Link
Related Links
Gasum: News, 1.12.04
Fortum: News archive: Corporate news, 1.12.04;14024;547;2346;26394

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Countries / Regions