Working conditions in the acceding and candidate countries

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2003
ISBN 92-897-0224-9
EC TJ-54-03-809-EN-C
Content Type

The first phase of enlargement of the European Union to include countries from central and eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, will take place in May 2004. This will usher in a challenging new era. The vastly differing norms in both
living and working conditions across the continent pose serious challenges for Europe's policymakers. A stable and cohesive new Europe requires closing these gaps as effectively and quickly as possible.
But what are these differences? What policies and resources are needed? How can we ensure the improvement of working and living conditions for all Europeans?
This new report is an attempt to provide some basis for responding to these and other questions. Working conditions in the acceding and candidate countries provides the first important benchmark of the situation in all 13 countries as they move towards membership of the European Union. Gauging the status on issues ranging from stress in the workplace to types of employment or working hours, the report attempts to portray a realistic picture of the working environment of these countries as they take this important step towards an enlarged Europe.
The term 'acceding and candidate countries' is used throughout the report to indicate the differing status of these countries. The term 'acceding countries' is currently applied to the ten countries (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) set to join on 1 May 2004. Two further countries, Bulgaria and Romania, hope to join by 2007, while Turkey is not currently negotiating its membership.

Source Link
Related Links
Eurofound: Working conditions in acceding and candidate countries: Summary
Eurofound: Working conditions the the acceding and candidate countries

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