Lithuanian landslide tempered by loss of sovereignty warning

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Series Details Vol.9, No.18, 15.5.03, p2
Publication Date 15/05/2003
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Date: 15/05/03

By David Cronin

FIREWORKS illuminated the night sky in Vilnius last weekend as almost 90 of Lithuanian voters gave an emphatic 'Yes' to EU membership in the country's referendum.

Newspaper Lietuvos Rytas underlined the significance of the result with a stirring editorial, which contrasted the joy of being on the verge of entering the Union with the country's history of tragedies since the murder of Mindaugas - Lithuania's only king - in 1263.

"Having been previously occupied for a lengthy half-century by the Soviet Union from 1940, Lithuania would hardly ever be capable of catching up with the modern world on its own, without Europe's assistance, so the nation would have been doomed to poverty and emigration," the paper said. It hailed the 63 turnout, many voting "in large crowds after Mass", as "a miracle".

Not everyone in the former Soviet Union shared the euphoria.

Dmitriy Rogozin, chairman of the international affairs committee in Russia's parliament, the Duma, argued that the turnout was unimpressive, considering the referendum was held over two days.

And he warned that EU membership would ultimately hurt Lithuania and its neighbours, Estonia and Latvia. "Its farming will be the first and hardest hit, because Lithuania's farm produce is in no demand elsewhere," he said. "The Baltic states' insignificant share in the European Union's overall GDP [gross domestic product] is fraught with the risk of losing identity and sovereignty."

Both Catholic and Protestant clergymen in Slovakia, meanwhile, have taken the lead in urging citizens to vote in the next EU membership taking place this weekend (16-17 May). "Not taking part in the referendum is a negative vote, a vote against Slovakia's entry to the European Union," declared Bishop Július Filo.

Similarly, Deputy Prime Minister Pál Csáky (see Profile - Page 10) has welcomed a joint appeal by leaders of the country's main political parties for voters to take part. A high turnout is essential for the referendum's success as national law states that a 'Yes' vote obtained with less than a 50 participation rate will be invalid.

Speaking on TA3 TV in Bratislava this week, Csáky noted opinion poll indications that just 42 of voters have hinted they will definitely vote.

No such concerns are being registered in the neighbouring Czech Republic. A survey by the CVVM agency finds that 75 of voters intend to vote in their 15-16 June poll. Of those, 70 plan to say 'Yes' and just 21 belong to the 'No' camp.

In Latvia, meanwhile, less than 20 of those eligible to vote could secure the country's place in the Union (polling day: 20 September).

The Latvian parliament has approved a law which states that a turnout of 35.68 will be enough for the poll to be upheld. That means that if 17.8 of voters vote 'Yes' the referendum will be carried.

At this stage, though, citizens are concentrating more on another display of European harmony. The 2003 Eurovision Song Contest takes place in Riga on 24 May.

Among its entrants are the raunchy Russian duo Tatu.

Nearly 90% of Lithuanian voters gave support to their country's membership of the European Union in the referendum held on 11 May 2003.

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