Electrical goods industry to face recycling costs

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 19.12.02, p6
Publication Date 19/12/2002
Content Type

MEPs finally approved the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive on 18 December 2002, bringing to an end three years of negotiation over its likely impact. Under the new Directive, manufacturers of electrical goods will have to pay to take back and recycle old equipment. The Directive is the first example of European Union environmental legislation based on the principle of 'individual producer responsibility'.

Related Links
http://europarl.europa.eu/omk/sipade2?PUBREF=-//EP//TEXT+PRESS+DN-20021218-1+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&L=EN&LEVEL=2&NAV=X&LSTDOC=N#SECTION2 http://europarl.europa.eu/omk/sipade2?PUBREF=-//EP//TEXT+PRESS+DN-20021218-1+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&L=EN&LEVEL=2&NAV=X&LSTDOC=N#SECTION2

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