Row escalates over Italian job in agriculture DG

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Series Details Vol.8, No.45, 12.12.02, p3
Publication Date 12/12/2002
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Date: 12/12/02

By Martin Banks

A BITTER war of words has erupted between two high-ranking officials over a controversial new appointment in the European Commission's agriculture directorate.

Italian Fabrizio Barbaso, 53, was named as the directorate's new deputy director-general last month. But a long-standing colleague, Dutchman Alexander Tilgenkamp, one of five officials shortlisted for the A1-grade job, has accused Barbaso of not being sufficiently qualified for the position.

Both men spoke exclusively to European Voice.

Tilgenkamp claims nationality was a key factor in the decision and is considering mounting a legal challenge. Barbaso is furious and has accused the 61-year-old of "persecuting" him.

The Dutchman is the department's director of international affairs, an A2 post, while Barbaso is currently working as a senior advisor in the same department until he starts his new job on 1 January 2003.

Tilgenkamp will not, however, be responsible to Barbaso. He reports directly to director-general José Manuel Silva.

The astonishing row between the pair dates back to October 2000 when the Italian took up a similar role to his new post, as deputy director for markets - a job he held for 20 months.

He was forced to stand down from that role in July this year after Tilgenkamp took a case to the European Court of First Instance, claiming he lacked necessary qualifications for the job.

The Luxembourg court agreed and annulled Barbaso's appointment.

The Italian subsequently applied for the new post, which, as well as agricultural markets, covers relations with other EU institutions and communications.

Last week, Danish MEP Freddy Blak questioned Barbaso's appointment, arguing that his old and new jobs are virtually identical.

Tilgenkamp echoed that view, saying: "The court upheld my case the first time and nothing has changed. Barbaso has effectively been re-appointed to the job he's been doing for nearly two years.

"I thought the days when officials from larger member states got the top jobs were over but, clearly, they are not. He seems to have got this job simply because of his nationality and this amounts to discrimination against candidates from smaller member states.

"It's nothing personal but, if you look at my qualifications and experience, I am clearly more suitable for the job than Barbaso."

He added: "I fail to see why, in July, I was the winner in this case and now, five months later, I am the loser. His appointment makes a nonsense of the court decision."

Tilgenkamp has worked for the Commission for nearly 30 years and has been in his present job since 1995.

Barbaso accused Tilgenkamp of "sour grapes" and defended his appointment, insisting he was "perfect" for the job.

"I can understand his disappointment at not getting it, but I am deeply saddened and disappointed that a colleague is doing this. It almost amounts to persecution."

Barbaso, who was previously a director in charge of relations with south east Europe, said it was "utterly wrong" to suggest he had got the job because of his nationality.

"As far as I'm aware the UK, France and Germany each have four director-generals. Italy, with only two, is, if anything, under-represented," he said.

He added: "For 27 years, I have worked my way up the Commission career ladder on merit and my work as deputy DG brought about good results. If this goes back to court I am confident it will rule in my favour this time"

A spokesman for Commission Vice- President Neil Kinnock who, along with Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler recommended Barbaso, said: "The Commission believes it respected all the correct procedures in this case and his appointment is completely justified."

A bitter war of words has erupted between two high-ranking officials over a controversial new appointment in the European Commission's agriculture directorate.

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