Press Release: Commission adopts new strategy on building new European labour markets by 2005

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/01/276 (28.2.01)
Publication Date 28/02/2001
Content Type

On 28.2.01 the European Commission agreed a new strategy to open up pan-European labour markets by 2005. The 2005 target is backed by an ambitious but realistic two-stage policy approach to remove barriers to mobility and to raise the skill levels of the European workforce at all levels. Stage one of the strategy aims to tackle immediately the obvious major obstacles to the emergence of new European labour markets, such as acquiring, updating and obtaining Europe-wide recognition for modern work skills, removing barriers to mobility presented by social security and pension systems and providing straightforward access to information about jobs and training available throughout Europe. Stage two of the strategy sets up a high-level business-led task force to look at skills and mobility problems in more depth, in particular the skills gap in the information and communications technologies sector. On the basis of the task force report, the Commission intends to propose an action plan with further initiatives so as to allow everyone access to genuine European labour markets by 2005. The Commission is looking to the Stockholm European Council to endorse this strategy.

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