Press Release: Commission adopts strategy for investment in people

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/01/58 (16.1.01)
Publication Date 16/01/2001
Content Type

On 16.1.01, with investment in people recognised as a key driver for economic growth, the Commission adopted a communication turning the spotlight on the EU's main financial means of promoting human resource development, the European Social Fund (ESF). As part of the Agenda 2000 reforms, the ESF has become the heart of the European Employment Strategy and has shifted its focus from an essentially training-based programme to a policy oriented instrument with a wide range of measures to invest in people. With the last of the ESF programmes for 2000-2006 currently being finalised, the short communication looks at how these programmes have taken on board the main priorities of the Employment Strategy. Over the next 6 years, the new ESF will invest some €60 billion in modernising and reforming labour markets. Key priorities will include preventing the drift into long-term unemployment, reintegrating marginalised groups into the economy and society and helping in the transition towards the knowledge-based economy.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities: European Social Fund (ESF)

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