Press Release: European Year for Equal Opportunities for All gears up to fuel the debate on diversity

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/07/69 (23.1.07)
Publication Date 23/01/2007
Content Type

The 2007 European Year for Equal Opportunities for All (EYEO), which will kick off in Berlin on 30 January 2007 at the first ever Equality Summit, has launched its new website and published the results of an EU survey on anti-discrimination. The survey - carried out in preparation for the European Year - reveals that over half of Europeans (51%) think that not enough is being done to fight discrimination in their country and a large majority of respondents also feel that discrimination is widespread (64%). Overall, the results confirm that Europeans are ready for change, with a broad majority in favour of adopting measures to promote equal opportunities for all in the field of employment.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: MEMO/07/24

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